Saturday, June 13, 2009

How to be Good with Money

Bagaimana nak jadi kaya?Jgn buat yg tak baik kepada duit nie..bawah nie ada tips 2 yg berguna utk kita sama2 amalkan.

Find out if your books balance. Get out all your bank statements and work out how much you've earned - include benefits and interest on savings - and how much you've spent over the past year.

Bank online and check your balance twice a week. This will give you a clear idea of what's going in and coming out.

Junk useless direct debits. Don't just go on paying for that life cover you don't need.

Build up a rainy-day fund. Set up a monthly direct debit to put money aside in a high-interest account.

Organise all your payments. Have your direct debits going out just after your salary is paid in. The rest is yours - to transfer into a savings account paying a better rate of interest than your current account. Transfer back as and when you need extra cash.

Buy now, pay at once. If you can't afford something one month, wait until the next.

Use your credit card sparingly. Pull out the plastic when you absolutely have to have that half-price dress in the sales. But always pay it off before it incurs any interest.

Always shop around when contracts - like your internet and mobile phone service provider - come up for renewal. Don't forget to ring your existing provider to see if it can offer you something better.

Buy treats with reward points schemes. Use all those points you've accumulated on your various cards to give yourself a treat. Spoil yourself - after all, you deserve it.

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